On The Issues

I believe the solution to many of the challenges faced by Georgia can be solved by spending less rather than more. The role of government is to protect life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness — not to pick winners and losers, or interfere with individuals' peaceful choices.

Fiscal conservativism

Don't spend more than we have, stop treating the budget as sacrosanct no matter how blatantly wasteful, stop depending on an ever-increasing amount of federal money to comply with the balanced budget provision of the Georgia Constitution.  People make better decisions about their own money than about other people's money.

Free markets

Stop bribing businesses to come to locations that are already highly desirable.  Government doesn't need to be in the business of picking winners and losers — we expand choice and maximize opportunity when we allow people the economic freedom to choose their own direction. That's why farmers markets and the nationally-recognized restaurants on Buford Highway are classic examples of capitalist success.


The most important function of government; to deter and punish criminal behavior. Overcriminalization and militarization are eroding public safety and legitimacy at a frightening rate. We need to rein in big government and hold government employees accountable for their behavior. The goal is a constitutional society that protects life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness — when government policies impede that goal, we should stop spending so much money on them.

Personal responsibility and human dignity

Programs intended as safety nets have become permanent traps for generations. HD80 is a prosperous area, but there is more and more dependency on these entitlement programs throughout the state.  We need fair, sustainable policies that respect people's right to keep their own money and choose voluntary charity for deserving cases.

Health care

We need to return decision-making to doctors and patients rather than politicians and insurance companies.  Expanding access to care through free market reforms.  Reform the certificate of need process and reduce legal barriers to the provision of care.  Focusing on health care, vs. health insurance, produces better outcomes.

Rule of law

It should not be acceptable, ever, for a legislator to admit to not having read and fully understood each and every law s/he has voted for.  Separation of powers should be adhered to, with each branch of government understanding and exercising its role as a check on the other two.